Select Team Publications

  • Dubé M, Raven A, McBain T, Oishi, K, Enokson, R. Harnessing System-Focused Simulation, Debriefing and FMEA to Inform Healthcare Blood Transfusion Safety and Policy. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. (Accepted June 2022)

    ª  Simard K, Keats D, Reece S, Dubé M, Johnson M, Kaba A. Joint simulation training for correctional officers and healthcare providers in a Correctional System. Advancing Corrections Journal 14(1). (Accepted June 2022)

    ª  Brazil, V., Dubé, M. Simulation changing the face of healthcare improvement: a silver lining from the COVID-19 pandemic?. Can J Emerg Med 24, 357–358 (April 2022).

    ª  Reece S, Grant V, Simard K, Johnson M, Robinson S, Mundell A, Terpstra N, Ward S, Cronin T, Dubé M, Kaba A. Psychological safety of remotely facilitated simulation compared with in person facilitated simulation: an in situ experimental controlled trial. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. (Accepted May 2022).

    ª  Santorino, D; Dubé, M; Cherop. Moses, et al. Peer Learning and Mentorship for Neonatal Management Skills: A Cluster-Randomized Trial. Pediatrics. July 7, 2022- online first

  • Dubé, M.Posner, G., Stone, K., et al. Building Impactful Systems-Focused Simulations: integrating change and project management frameworks into the Pre-work phase. Advances in Simulation. April 29, 2021-

  • Dubé, M.,  Laberge, J., Sigalet, E., et al. Evaluations for New Healthcare Environment Commissioning and Operational Decision Making using Simulation and Human Factors: A Case Study of an Interventional Trauma Operating Room. Health Environment Research and Design Journal. March 2021-

  • Dubé M, Reid J, Kaba A, Cheng A, Eppich W, Grant V, Stone K. (2019). PEARLS for systems integration: A modified PEARLS framework for debriefing systems-focused simulations. Simulation in Healthcare 14: 333-342. 

  • Reece S; Johnson, M, Simard, K, et al Dubé, MGrant, V. Use of virtually-facilitated simulation to improve COVID-19 preparedness in rural and remote Canada. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. Feb 2021-

  •  Dubé M, Kaba A, Cronin T. et al. (July 2020). COVID-19 Pandemic Preparation: Using Simulation for Systems- Based Learning to prepare the Largest Healthcare Workforce and System in Canada. Advances in Simulation.

  • Dubé M, Jones B, Kaba A, Cunnington W, France K et al. (2020). Preventing harm: Testing and implementing health care protocols using systems integration and learner-focused simulations: A case study of a new post cardiac surgery, cardiac arrest protocol. Clinical Simulation in Nursing Vol(X), 1-9. Available at j.ecns.2019.10.00

  • Dubé M, Kessler D, Huang L, Petrosoniak A, Bajaj K. Considerations for psychological safety with system-focused debriefings. BMJ Simul Technol Enhanc Learn [Internet]. 2020ay 1 [cited 2020 Apr 28];6(3). Available from:

  •  Dubé M, Shultz J, Barnes S, Pascal B, Kaba, A. (2019). Goals, recommendations, and the how-to strategies for developing and facilitating patient safety and system integration simulations. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal. Available at . 

  •  Kaba A, Dubé M, Charania I, Donahue M (2018) Collaborative practice in action: Building interprofessional competencies through simulation-based education and novel approaches to team training. Health Education and Care, 3: DOI: 10.15761/HEC.1000139

  • Sigalet E, Dubé M. (2016) Interprofessional Trauma Team Roles. In: Gillman L., Widder S., Blaivas MD M., Karakitsos D. (eds) Trauma Team Dynamics. Springer, Cham

  •  Kirkpatrick AW, Vis C, Dubé M et al. The evolution of a purpose designed hybrid trauma operating room from the trauma service perspective: the raptor (resuscitation with angiography percutaneous treatments and operative resuscitations). Injury 2014;45:1413–21.

  • Schultz J, et al Dubé M.(Contributing author) (2016).  “Simulation Based Mock Up Evaluation Framework. Health Quality Council of Alberta. 

  •  Robinson, Traci RN, BN; Santorino, Data MD; Dubé, Mirette MSC; et al. Sim for Life Foundations. A Simulation Educator Training Course to Improve Debriefing Quality in a Low-Resource Setting: A Pilot Study. Simulation in Healthcare: The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare: July 8, 2020 - Volume Publish Ahead of Print - Issue - doi: 10.1097/SIH.0000000000000445

  •  Davies, J, Henderson K, Brisseau G, Shumway J, Mustafa M, Sigalet E. Introduction to debriefing. BMJ STEL. doi: 10.1136/bmjstel-2015-00044.11

  •  Festa M, Sigalet E, Eppich W, Cheng A, Grant V. (2016). Simulation Education Program Development. Chapter 28, (eds) Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation Pediatrics. pp355-371.

  •  Calhoun A, Sigalet E, Burns R, Auerbach M. (2016) Simulation Along the Pediatric Healthcare Education Continuum. Chapter 13.  (eds) Comprehensive Healthcare Simulation Pediatrics pp 167-180.

  •  Sigalet E.  Assessment of a Simulation-based Curriculum. (PhD Thesis), University of Calgary Press. 2012 Publications for David Sigalet : selected from 124 articles indexed in pub med

  • Martin GR, Beck PL, Sigalet DL. Gut hormones, and short bowel syndrome: the enigmatic role of glucagon-like peptide-2 in the regulation of intestinal adaptation. World journal of gastroenterology : WJG. 2006 Jul 14;12(26):4117-29.  Impact Factor: 2.547

  • Sigalet DL, Montgomery M, Harder J, Wong V, Kravarusic D, Alassiri A. Long term cardiopulmonary effects of closed repair of pectus excavatum. Pediatric surgery International. 2007 May;23(5):493-98   Impact Factor:: 1.216

  • Sigalet DL, Wallace LE, Holst JJ, Martin GR, Kaji T, Tanaka H, Sharkey KA. Enteric neural pathways mediate the anti-inflammatory actions of glucagon-like peptide 2. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. 2007 Jul;293(1):G211-21.  Impact Factor: 3.649

  • Amin H, Holst JJ, Hartmann B, Wallace L, Wright J, Sigalet DL. Functional ontogeny of the proglucagon-derived peptide axis in the premature human neonate. Pediatrics. 2008 Jan;121(1):e180-6.  Impact Factor:  5.119

  • Ivory CP, Wallace LE, McCafferty DM, Sigalet DL. Interleukin-10-independent anti-inflammatory actions of glucagon-like peptide 2. American journal of physiology. Gastrointestinal and liver physiology. 2008 Dec;295(6):G1202-10. Impact Factor:3.649

  • Zheng H, Shin AC, Lenard NR, Townsend RL, Patterson LM, Sigalet DL, Berthoud HR. Meal patterns, satiety, and food choice in a rat model of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology. 2009 Nov;297(5):R1273-82.  Impact Factor:  3.284 

  • Sigalet DL, Lam V, Boctor D. The assessment, and glucagon-like peptide-2 modulation, of intestinal absorption and function. Seminars in pediatric surgery. 2010 Feb;19(1):44-9.
    Impact Factor: 2.395

  • Shin AC, Zheng H, Townsend RL, Sigalet DL, Berthoud HR. Meal-induced hormone responses in a rat model of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Endocrinology. 2010 Apr;151(4):1588-97. Impact Factor: 4.717

  •  de Heuvel E, Wallace L, Sharkey KA, Sigalet DL. Glucagon-like peptide 2 induces vasoactive intestinal polypeptide expression in enteric neurons via phophatidylinositol 3-kinase-gamma signaling. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism. 2012 Oct 15;303(8):E994-1005.  Impact Factor; 3.83 

  •  Yadav PS, Choudhury SR, Grover JK, Gupta A, Chadha R, Sigalet DL. Early feeding in pediatric patients following stoma closure in a resource limited environment. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2013 May;48(5):977-82.  JIP: 1.383

  • Sigalet DL, Brindle M, Boctor D, Casey L, Dicken B, Butterworth S, Lam V, Karnik V, de Heuvel E, Hartmann B, Holst J. A Safety and Dosing Study of Glucagon-Like Peptide 2 in Children With Intestinal Failure. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2015 Oct 15. pii: 0148607115609566. PMID: 26471991 Impact Factor: 2.311

  • Diamond IR, Grant RC, Pencharz PB, de Silva N, Feldman BM, Fitzgerald P, Sigalet D, Dicken B, Turner J, Marchand V, Ling SC, Moore AM, Avitzur Y, Wales PW. Preventing the Progression of Intestinal Failure-Associated Liver Disease in Infants Using a Composite Lipid Emulsion: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of SMOFlipid. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2016 Feb 2. PMID: 26838529 Impact Factor: 2.311

  •  Sigalet DL, Brindle ME, Boctor D, Dicken B, Lam V, Lu LS, de Heuvel E, Hartmann B, Holst JJ.A safety and pharmacokinetic dosing study of glucagon-like peptide 2 in infants with intestinal failure. J Pediatr Surg. 2017.May;52(5):749-754. PMID: 28209419  Impact Factor: 1.34

  • Haider A, Scott JW, Gause CD,  Sigalet D et al, and Abdullah F. Development of a Unifying Target and Consensus Indicators for Global Surgical Systems Strengthening: Proposed by the Global Alliance for Surgery, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anaesthesia Care (The G4 Alliance). World J Surg. 2017 Oct;41(10):2426-2434. PMID: 28508237  Impact Factor: 2.62

  • Sigalet DL, Lam V, Brindle M, Boctor D, Wallace L, de Heuval E, Hartmann B, Holst JJ.  The glucagon like peptide-2 'axis': Capacity for production and response following intestinal resection or repair of gastroschisis in infants. J Pediatr Surg. 2018 May;53(5):898-904. doi: 10.1016.  Impact Factor: 1.32

  • Sigalet DL. Advances in glucagon like peptide-2 therapy.  Physiology, current indications and future directions. Sem Ped Surg 2018 Aug;27:237-241 . Doi: 10.1053  Impact Facctor: 2.332

  • Global Initiative for Children's Surgery: A Model of Global Collaboration to Advance the Surgical Care of Children. World J Surg. 2019 Jun;43(6):1416-1425. doi: 10.1007  Impact Factor: 2.311

  • Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery.  Optimal Resources for Children’s Surgical Care: Executive Summary World J Surg. 2019 April;43(4):978-980. doi: 10.1007 Impact Factor: 2.311